Spring Meeting of the Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology

'New Horizons in Disease Prevention'

April 24, 2025, Inselspital Bern
Auditorium Langhans

SSPT Spring Meeting 2024 - Contributions from the field of Pharmaceutical Medicine
, Giger Raoul-Dominique
At the SSPT Spring Meeting held on April 18th, a trio of posters from the realm of Pharmaceutica...
SSPM Young Scientist Award zum ersten Mal verliehen
, Giger Raoul-Dominique
Dieses Jahr wurde von der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Pharmazeutische Medizin zum ersten Ma...
Swiss Society of Pharmaceutical Medicine (SSPM) Award
, Giger Raoul-Dominique
The SSPM Award is a newly created award for young professionals which will honor the best poster...
Swiss Catalogue of Core Competencies in Pharmaceutical Medicine (SC3-PM)
, Traber Martin
The Swiss Catalogue of Core Competencies in Pharmaceutical Medicine (SC3-PM) is now released. Th...
IFAPP Ambassadors - new initiative
, Traber Martin
A couple of months ago, you were kind enough to participate in a survey initiated by IFAPP/ IFAP...
Swissmedic Weiterbildungsstätte Kat. A
, Traber Martin
Das SIWF erteilt Swissmedic wieder die Anerkennung als Weiterbildungsstätte in Pharmazeutischer ...